created in collaboration with over 300 volunteers and indonesian artists. designed by courtney mattison
glazed ceramic
240 x 1860 x 40 cm
Permanent installation at the Coral Triangle Center for Marine Conservation in Sanur, Bali, Indonesia (directions)
This monumental community-based ceramic art installation is dedicated to the Coral Triangle region—the most biodiverse marine environment in the world. Coral reefs are home to one quarter of all marine life, provide direct value to people and food security to millions, and contribute to marine-based tourism that supports thousands of jobs. Human-caused threats including climate change, overfishing and pollution imperil reef ecosystems. Warming sea temperatures from climate change cause corals to become sick and “bleach,” losing the colorful symbiotic algae that keep them alive.
Semesta Terumbu Karang—Coral Universe was commissioned by the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) to inspire people to appreciate the beauty, value and fragility of coral reefs and act to support coral reef conservation. Mattison’s design highlights the connectivity and important roles played by all six Coral Triangle countries in preserving reefs in this vital region—the “bullseye” of marine biodiversity. This work was made in collaboration with Indonesian artists Ricko Gabriel, Alfiah Rahdini, Sasanti Puri Ardini, Anak Agung Ivan WB together with more than 300 volunteers in partnership with Jenggala Keramik and Balai Teknologi Industri Kreatif Keramik.
Learn more at savingoceansnow.com
image by courtney mattison